Special discount for Summer 2012

This summer we have prepared a special discount for you. For guests staying three or more days, half board is offered at a super discounted price of € 22.00 per person. Welcome.

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The first South Slavic sailor who has traveled the world

Ivo Vizin, sea captain from Prčanj was the first Montenegrin mariner, and the first man from the south Slovenian countries who sailed around the world between 1852 and 1859. He had a sailboat 30 meters long, whose capacity was 311 tons. His name was Splendid and had 11 crew members. Starting from the Belgian port of Antwerp, Ivo is in its nine-year path crossed 100,000 miles. Among other things, he was in the Chilean port of Valparaiso, San Francisco, Honolulu, Far East, Singapore and Cape of Good Hope