Special discount for Summer 2012

This summer we have prepared a special discount for you. For guests staying three or more days, half board is offered at a super discounted price of € 22.00 per person. Welcome.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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Kanjon nevidio

Canyon Nevidio located on river Komarnica is the cruelest canyon in the world. Nevidio could be translated as “never seen” or “not seen”. The first time in recorded history a human foot crossed this canyon was back in 1965, so that is probably how it got the name. It is located on a place 50 km away from Žabljak towards Šavnik. It is about 3.5 km long. The canyon is abundant with waterfalls, whirlpools, narrow channels, vertical cliffs and with sparkling waterfalls, which makes it an extremely attractive destination for adventure lovers. In some places the cliffs are narrow down to half a meter and their height can reach almost 400m.