Vasojevički Kom

Komovi mountain (plural of "Kom") is one of the three most impressive and most magnificent mountain ranges of Montenegro and also of Dinaric Alps – Dinarides, located on the northeast of Montenegro. It stretches between the farthest upstream parts of the Lim River to the east and the Tara river on the west, to Drcka river to the north and Prokletije ranges to the south. The Komovi mountain massif which is 40 km long and 30 km wide is covered from all sides by vast plateaus at average altitude of 1.900 meters. The highest peaks of Komovi mountains are: Vasojevički Kom (2.461m), Kučki Kom (2.487m), Ljevoriječki Kom (2.469m) which exceed in height the surrounding cliffs and crests. Between these three there is a distinct glacial cirque called Međukomlje.
Komovi mountain fascinates everyone with its diversity of natural attractions, rich flora and fauna. Nature has played with the mountain mass of Komovi mountain and has carved tremendous forms in the wild rocky chaos. The tame valleys have concealed themselves among the wild peaks. Komovi Mountain peaks are encircled with dangerous cuttings formed around springs in pre-glacial water sources. Basic morphological charachteristics of cuttings are their vertical and conical shape, always being bare, with open asymmetric sides and extremely jagged edges. Almost everywhere around Komovi Mountain ridges from their very tops there are big heaps of sandy and rocky materials that were made out of the processes of erosion. They look like rivers of rock as they descend to the cuttings and river valleys of Perućica and Kucka rivers. The biggest rocky heap is located on north-eastern side of Vasojevicki Kom and is almost 3 km long. These unusual valleys and "rocky chaos" complete an outstanding composition on the Komovi Mountain space. Due to their prominence, Komovi are known for strong winds and avalanche activity in winter, and these effects can be seen on vegetation struggling to survive in this harsh place.
According to the legend, fairies used to summoned one another to its slopes. Enchanted with peaks and pastures of Komovi Mountain nature lovers have rightfully named it "the king of the mountains" and "the divine giant". The authentic Vasojević and Kučki type of houses still preserve the traditional highlander lifestyle of Northern Montenegro. The high katuns slowly surrender to the beautiful cruelty of the mountain and gradually disappear from its slopes.
Various and unique flora and fauna of Komovi Mountain, myriad crystal clear mountain springs and rivers, as well as genuine warmth and hospitality of the locals who live beneath the Komovi Mountain peaks, nobody leave indifferent. Once you get to the paradise of beech and coniferous forests above which dominates giant Komovi mountain – you immediatelly become speachless. We are happy to say that the region of Komovi has been declared regional park since 2013.
Photo gallery
Prostrane visoravni koje okružuju Komove su Štavna i Ljuban na sjeveru, Rogam na zapadu i Carine na jugu. Sa južne i istočne strane Komovi su okruženi sistemom planina Prokletija. Najviši vrhovi Prokletija koji se mogu vidjeti su Kolac/Maja Kolata (2.534) i Jezerski Vrh/Maja Jezerce (2.694). Na sjeveru se nalazi planina Bjelasica, sa najvišim vrhom Crna Glava (2.139m) i Zekova glava (2.117m). Uz odgovarajuće vremenske uslove, sa Komova vidik seže sve to Jadranskog mora, planine Lovćen, Kopaonika, Durmitora, itd.
See also...
Nenad Filipović - photo story - climbing Komovi
Photo gallery Marka Guberinića
Photo gallery Riba Raičevića
360°panoramas: Štavna, Komovi ljeti, planinari u pripremi za penjanje, pogled sa staze ka Vasoje-vičkom Komu, planinari pri usponu, pogled sa vrha, pogled sa vrha na Kučki Kom, još jedan pogled sa vrha, Komovi pod snijegom
View M1 - Vasojevički Kom na većoj mapi. kml
How to get there

Štavna (1750m), which is the best starting point for climbing Komovi, can be accessed by car from Andrijevica using the road Andrijevica - Kolašin. On top of this road, that is Trešnjevik (1.573m) small asphalt road takes you towards Štavna.

Početna tačka za penjanje na Komove je Štavna. Penjanje na Komove je veoma interesantno kako iskusnim planinarima, tako i početnicima. U posljednje vrijeme, putokazi na stazi su dodatno poboljšani. Staza koja void do Vasojevićkog Koma je strma, ali tokom ljeta nije tehnički zahtijevna. Doduše pri samom dolasku na vrh, postoje uzani putevi, dio gdje morate koristiti ruke i biti oprezni. Ovo je svega 100m dužine a planinari uživaju u doživljaju. Na širem prostoru Komova postoje brojne dobro obilježene staze kao i tereni za penjanje.
When to climb

Preporučeno vrijeme za penjanje je sredina juna do sredina septembra. Kao i na većini planina moguće je penjanje tokom čitave godine. Ukoliko nema snijega i dozvoljavaju vremenski uslovi, moguće je peti se i tokom maja, oktobra i novembra. Ove planine su nemilosrdne tokom zime, tako da je penjanje tada vrlo zahtijevno a potrebno je iskustvo i sigurnosna oprema.
Elevation profile